Questions about USMC Physical Standards
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  1. #1

    Questions about USMC Physical Standards

    First off, Im 15 and a Sophomore at my highschool here in Raleigh, NC. The only thing I want to be in this world is a Marine. One of my close friends whos enlisting when I do(Do the Buddy Program and what not) says that the USMC has certain Physical standards depending on your height, weight, etc. Now, I know how the PFT charts go and everything, and here are my current scores---

    17 Pullups(Palms facing in-board)
    100 Situps in the 2 Minute Time Frame
    And about 27-29 Minute 3 Mile Run(I know, its a HORRIBLE TIME!!!)
    And that totals to around a 225 or 226, I cant remember...

    Im also 130lbs and 5'7''

    Now, he tells me that he read somewhere that at that height and weight, I should be doing something like 20-35 pullups(It was something around in there.) There was some other things he said about running and situps, but I forgot. Is this true? I want some guidance here from some Marines, and thank you all for your time.


  2. #2
    Hey. I just graduated boot camp from PI this past Fri. (Nov. 17th) and so I can tell you, that no matter your height and weight, the qualifications for passing the IST or PFT are the same for everyone. For the IST its 2 pull ups, 44 crunches, and a less than 13:30 1.5 mile run time. The PFT is 3 pull ups, 50 crunches, and a 28 or less time on the 3 miles. Now the tricky thing is, that PFT score is for the training day 28 PFT. On the training day 54 PFT, you will have to do alittle extra to pass as the scoring is a bit different on the final PFT than it is on the TD 28 PFT. I forget exactly how it goes but you'll have to get like 1 extra pull up and a few extra crunches to pass as just doing the bare minimum on the final PFT you'll still fail. But judging from your scores etc you wont have a problem. Id run alittle more though if I were you just to help bring oyur time down alittle bit but other than that, youre good to go. Hope this helped.

  3. #3
    The PFT requirements are just as Big Wayne described. You also have to have a minimum of 135 points on the final PFT and while in the fleet to pass. Just getting the minimum numbers on every event will not get you enough points to pass.

    There are height/weight standards, but they do not change the PFT scoring. (Age does though, the standards get lower as you get older.) There is a minimum and maximum weight for Marines, and you need to fall within that range.

  4. #4
    thanks you guys, it helped. i really need to start running miles and stuff though... Im excellent at sprinting, but Cross-Country/3-10 Mile runs I hate doing.

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